
What is


Microblading originated in Asia and Eastern Europe and in the last decade has become wildly popular in North America. Microblading is a tattoo, but it is manually applied with a specific pen-like device that is used to gently etch crisp and natural individual brow hairs into the skin. Manual tattoo dates back centuries. The look of microbladed eyebrows is breathtaking. Each hairstroke is strategically placed and etched to either re-create a missing brow or to blend seamlessly in with existing sparse brow hair. Microblading requires skill and precision. Your artist must understand the healing process and the complexity of the skin. This is what sets Ink and Arrow apart. We shape and strategize for the best results for you to enjoy your natural lovely brows for up to 2 years, fuss-free. To keep your brows on point we recommend routine color boosts on an annual basis.

We look forward to seeing you.

Microblading York PA

Microblading Work

microblading eyebrows near me
microblading before and after
tattoo eyebrows pennsylvania
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